Conserve. Sustain. Cultivate.


Our mission.

Welcome to Boots to Roots Farm. We are a small, family run piggery that specializes in the slow-growing, heritage breed KuneKune pig. We aspire to honor all facets of the KuneKune by selling breeding stock, homestead or pet stock, feeder pigs, whole pig roasters, meats by the cut, and finally mouth-watering charcuterie. Our pigs greatly loved by our family and on pasture from start to finish.


“You, as a food buyer, have the distinct privilege of proactively participating in shaping the world your children will inherit.”

— Joel salatin


Core Values

We are passionate about the animals we raise and as such we foster the permaculture system of pasture-rotation on the farm. Our core values include respecting the land, honoring all life, and ensuring the KuneKune breed is responsibly bred. We are highly devoted to ensuring that our small-batch, pasture-raised piggery is in-keeping with these values.


The Breed


A heritage breed of pig originally created by the Maori people of New Zealand.


Pronounced “Cooney Cooney”, this docile and friendly breed is a medium framed pig. It was originally created and kept by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand until it was “discovered” in the 1970’s by the rest of the world. At that time only about 50 purebred KuneKunes were left in New Zealand. The first KuneKunes weren’t imported into the United States until 1996.

KuneKunes are hairy pigs who generally have two distinct wattles under their chins (although not always). They have short, upturned snouts and as such do not root up land heavily like other breeds. In fact, they prefer to graze than root. They do not like to roam and do not test fencing. They are still fairly rare in the United States but are quickly gaining popularity in niche markets due to their great temperaments and rich meat.


Educational Outreach


With a thriving farm to table culture in Frederick our community understands the benefit of sustainable and ethical products grown in small local farms. We at Boots to Roots think this understanding should start at an early age. Therefor, we are committed to providing on and off site education programs for schools, home-schools, Scout troops or any other youth programs at no cost. If you are interested in providing your group of little ones with this amazing experience please contact us.